2019 Vector Summit
NACCHO hosted the 2019 Vector Summit on April 16–18, 2019 in Pittsburgh, PA. The summit increased the capacity of local mosquito and tick management professionals to detect, prevent, prepare for, and respond to vector-borne disease.
Through peer exchange of best practices and practical strategies, the summit provided a collaborative learning environment suitable for all levels.
By the end of the summit, attendees...
- Developed professional relationships with colleagues and mosquito and tick experts from state and federal agencies;
- Identified practical solutions that address emerging mosquito and tick threats and challenges;
- Learned the essentials of implementing and maintaining a mosquito or tick surveillance program, key considerations for mosquito and tick control, and best practices for data use and risk communication;
- Discovered upcoming innovations in vector control and surveillance technologies and emerging practices from leaders in the field; and
- Gained a basic understanding of tick surveillance and the growing threat of tickborne diseases in the United States.