2024 Vector Control Workshop

Managing Mosquitoes in Disaster Situations: Best Practices and Partnerships  

April 22-25, St. Augustine, Florida

Image caption (right): Local vector control staff from North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and Puerto Rico, along with state and federal officials and NACCHO staff, gather in front of the Disease Vector Education Center in St. Augustine, FL. See all photos here.


The National Association of County and City Health Officials' workshop in April 2024 helped increase the collective capacity of programs in areas affected by 2022 Hurricanes Fiona and Ian. The theme for our workshop, Managing Mosquitoes in Disaster Situations: Best Practices and Partnerships, emphasized the challenges and opportunities of managing mosquitoes in disaster situations, such as hurricanes, floods, or epidemics. 
Local vector control programs in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and Puerto Rico affected by 2022 Hurricanes Fiona and Ian were invited to participate. See photos here.

With support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we brought together 65 individual attendees including subject matter experts at the federal and state level; academia; private companies; local health departments; public works departments; and mosquito abatement districts. Forty-six travel scholarships were awarded to attendees.

With the upcoming hurricane season looming, the workshop provided attendees with practical tools and knowledge to prepare for mosquito surveillance and control before the next public health emergency. It offered valuable guidance on disaster preparedness and best practices for controlling mosquito populations, fostering new partnerships, and instilling the ability to respond effectively to protect members of the community.

Attendees from Puerto Rico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and collaborating partners toured the St. Johns Emergency Operation Center and Anastasia Mosquito Control District’s facility.

Together, they engaged in understanding the importance of establishing and maintaining a mosquito surveillance program and standard operating procedures to control mosquito populations after a public health emergency like a hurricane. Click here for the AMCA’s Public Health Emergency Manual.

At one point during the workshop, participants went into breakout groups based on their respective states or territories. They shared their firsthand experiences of working during hurricanes and gained insights into the intricate process of FEMA reimbursements from fellow peers.

Overall, the workshop received overwhelmingly positive feedback, with attendees finding the informative sessions on vector control, especially in relation to hurricane season preparedness, extremely valuable. The experience was described as enriching, extraordinary, and worth repeating.

Post-Workshop Resources

Tools and resources shared during the workshop, including speaker presentations, are now available to view. See workshop tools and resources here.​​​​

About NACCHO's Vector Control Program

NACCHO supports local health departments in protecting their communities from the bacterial and viral diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, ticks, rodents, and other emerging vectors. Through development of new tools and resources, policy statements, Stories from the Field, and more, NACCHO helps local health departments increase their capacity to address existing and emerging issues related to vector control and integrated pest management. Visit the NACCHO website here.​​​​

Have questions about the workshop?

If participants have any questions about post-workshop action items, please reach out to NACCHO's Vector Control Staff at vectorcontrol@naccho.org.