Hi all, the Zoom meeting recording is here: https://naccho.zoom.us/rec/play/tU-5wbdkaXCNK5l5YqCIFzt1a4BVjZmR--Vq5 0n b17El 31hoWK2Y7fdBWmAzDsyHAKZFzIUBOZn2-.FVdZ2mseNsnk6Z9Y?autoplay=true&startTime=1692808063000 Office Doc on the 3rd quarter retrospective is here: LHIT 3rd Quarter 2023...
8.23.23 CoP Meeting Presentation.pptx
Touched on during our May 20th meeting with special guest, Micky Tripathi, PhD, MPP , this resources features a wide range of information for the purposes of nationwide "interoperable health information exchange". #IT Infrastructure #EHR #LHITLibrary #ITInfrastructure
Here is a webinar recording from HIMSS, presented by attorney Wynter Deagle from Troutman Pepper. #Cybersecurity #LHITLibrary
Here is a malware technical analysis of the supply chain attack on SolarWinds, Inc (CrowdStrike, 2021). #Cybersecurity #COVID-19 #LHITLibrary
Webinar originally recorded on 12/17/2020. Hosted by NACCHO. #LHITLibrary #COVID-19
Kate Louther shared the policies that her team developed related to her program areas. #Cybersecurity #LHITLibrary
3 attachments
#Cybersecurity #HIPAA #IT #Cybersecurity #HIPAA #LHITLibrary
Adding a link to the HHS Breach Portal #Cybersecurity #Cybersecurity #LHITLibrary
NACCHO, in collaboration with the Department of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), developed this fact sheet based on a cybersecurity needs assessment conducted at the 2018 Preparedness Summit. This fact sheet provides information on local health department...
Bringing together local health IT staff from across the country to share tips and best practices.
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