Workforce Capacity
Strengths & Challenges
Twenty-five percent of LHDs reported strengths in supporting providers, giving referrals, coordinating continuity of care, and training health agency staff in evidence-based prevention strategies, while the majority of LHDs reported challenges in the integration of behavioral/mental health and physical health care.
Evidence-Based Strategies
Thirty-one percent of LHDs reported some or full capacity to address primary prevention of overdose. This number was lower for primary prevention of suicide and ACEs.
Health Disparities
Strengths & Challenges
While fewer than 22% of LHDs reported some or full capacity to address health disparities in specific populations disproportionally affected by ACEs, suicide, and overdose, 64% of LHDs reported at least sometimes incorporating the perspectives of people with lived experience into their prevention efforts.
Multilevel Leadership
More than 75% of LHDs reported leader interaction across sectors and/or jurisdictional levels in suicide, overdose, and/or ACEs prevention.
Strategic & Shared Planning
Fifty-eight percent of LHDs have a strategic plan for at least one topic related to suicide, overdose, or ACEs.
Data & Surveillance
Only 1 in 8 (or around 12%) LHDs reported using surveillance data to address the intersection of suicide, overdose, and ACEs.
Managed Resources
While overdose prevention efforts more commonly had sustained funding, 60% of LHDs do not have sustained funding for even one of suicide, overdose, or ACE prevention.
Networked Partnerships
Fifty percent of LHDs partner across sectors and jurisdictions, with more LHDs working with partners on overdose prevention than suicide and ACEs prevention.