Transcript attachedHello, everyone, and happy first day of July! We are on our second monthly roundup for the virtual community discussion board. My name is Brianna Aldridge and I’m going to walk you through some points to recap from June and some things to look forward to in July.
So, as you know, we’ve started our partnership and community engagement for community health improvements series, that’s had two sessions thus far - one in May, one that was June 15th - and our third and final session is July 13th, covering community engagement and power building. More information will be sent out on that session.
We, also, in July, have our annual NACCHO 360 conference with specific sessions taking place for grant recipients during that conference. Check your monthly TA bulletin for more details on those events. We’re looking forward to seeing you either virtually or in-person for that conference July 19-21.
And, as always please use this discussion board as a place to communicate with one another, network with other grant recipients and learn more. Whatever you might want to know related to he and capacity building is here for you.
Contact me as always; my email address will be listed in the library. We look forward to connecting again very soon - have a great day!