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Important sessions from NACCHO 360 & Quick Updates

  • 1.  Important sessions from NACCHO 360 & Quick Updates

    Posted 07-01-2021 05:20 PM
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    Hello LHIT! Wow, what a week it has been. The NACCHO IT Team has been focused on providing support for the NACCHO 360 conference, while also working on the PrintNightmare vulnerability., returning to the office, etc. We wanted to flag a couple of projects from the NA360 conference that we thought would be helpful for you all. 

    First, there was a session on the 2021 National Academy of Medicine (NAM) Report Panel: Rebuilding Local Public Health, which featured Karen DeSalvo and Rex Archer. I wish I could share the full video panel with you, so instead, I've uploaded a copy of the report for you to check out. 

    There were a couple of other key sessions, including: 

    All of these sessions were recorded and will be available to access if you decide to register for the conference. I'd be interested to know if anyone attended and had any takeaways to share with the group or if anyone would like to see a follow-up presentation.

    I was personally struck by Surgeon General Vivek Murthy's general session and his quote: 

    "We still have what we need to be a healthy society, and that's compassion and kindness towards each other. Sometimes it takes a pandemic to show you what's really important." 

    Also, quick call out, does anyone have a project that you'd like to share with the group? I'd love to see if there are any Return to the Office plans that we could share. Thanks for all you do! If I don't hear from you, have a great Fourth of July weekend.

    Angie McPherson
    Website Specialist
    National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)
    Washington, DC DC