Hi everyone, I enjoyed the chance to hear from you all today to discuss the latest in local health IT -- awesome meeting! If you missed it and don't have an hour to watch the meeting, I highly recommend listening back at 2.0x speed -- it is very funny.
Link to the recording is here. The PowerPoint, recording, and quarterly retrospective on what everyone is working on is here.
It was great to meet the new members and to hear that we're getting a mix of new program and IT staff joining the group; you brought some fun energy to the room.
@Jason Frame did a wonderful job managing the
discussion on NACCHO 360 -- loved his takeaways on how your staff members are likely using AI, noting that NACCHO 360 had an increased focus on IT thanks in part to LHIT's large turnout and that there was also a huge emphasis at the conference on cybersecurity.
@Bob Brooks highlighted that there is always a shortage of IT in local health, that IT is an afterthought, and that NACCHO 360 is focused on public health and local health officials, but that we might need a spin-off event focused on local health IT.
@Chris Collinge noted that t
he way we do business now isn't the way it was done 10 years ago. We need to highlight stories of success from bringing IT to the program table.
At the next NACCHO 360, we should introduce topics like how do IT and Informatics work together. We need to ask health officers where are the IT pain points to help facilitate productive conversations. We can look into hosting more IT 101 sessions to help bridge the language divide.
You all listed a ton of great events that I put on our handy-dandy online calendar here. It also lists the location of the conferences, so you can see what's coming up next and whether or not you can attend. If you have other events to highlight, pretty please respond to this thread so we can get that up in the calendar. Also, if you want to reply to this thread on the events you plan to attend, we can see if there are conferences where it makes sense to meet up.
Also, @Jonathan Ong and @Lauren Cook will be hosting a webinar on data modernization next Thursday, August 31, at 2pm ET. You will need to register here.
Finally, we did a quick pulse check of what's going on in health IT. If you want to add to the retrospective, please feel free to do so
here. Huge thanks to Jason for presenting and for all the attendees for sharing ideas. I'm also glad to hear feedback from
@Karrey Shannon,
@Mechelle Carter,
@Sonya Norris,
@Hetal Luhar, and others. Let me know if there's anything we can do to keep LHIT connected. Thanks all!
Angie McPherson
Senior Website Specialist
National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)
Washington, DC DC