Thank you to everyone who came out to the first LHIT meeting of the year! Huge thanks to @Chris Collinge for stepping in to present and to @Perez-Ramos, Jose for attending to answer questions about his project in the chat.
I particularly enjoyed hearing project updates and meeting new members – it's always nice to see the ways in which our work can connect and support each other. I wanted to send out a few meeting follow up items.
- I've uploaded the Zoom recording and both PPT slides to our Virtual Community library.
- For more information on Microsoft Bookings, you can watch a video overview on their website.
- You can check out Dr. Perez-Ramos's chatbot, Ana, online here.
- You can submit your abstracts to NACCHO 360 and let me know so we can include you in an IT track.
- Please let me know if you are interested in attending the Preparedness Summit or NACCHO 360 this year.
One question we received from @Carter, Mechelle at the end of the meeting was whether or not any of our LHIT members had been using Power Apps in Microsoft Azure to create dashboards to show partners. I was able to find one here, but if anyone else is working on anything similar, please let the group know! I'm going to post this message in our community as well. If you'd like to send a message to the group, you can email or respond to the discussion thread.
If you were forwarded this meeting invitation but would like to become a member, please reach out to me directly at Thanks again and have a wonderful week!
-----Original Appointment-----
Join the Local Health IT (LHIT) Community of Practice meeting on Thursday, January 12, at 1 pm ET. During this meeting you will have the chance to hear from Dr. José Perez-Ramos from the University of Rochester Research Labs on his innovative project to address COVID-19 information gaps using a chatbot. He will also give us an overview on some of the work he has been doing on telehealth.
Importantly, we want to hear from you! Bring your insights and questions to the table and discuss them with other local health departments.
- Introductions
- Discussion: What are the IT priorities at your county right now? Is there anything you'd like to share with the community?
- Presentation from Dr. José Perez-Ramos on chatbots and innovations in telehealth
- Discussion on projects at APHA and sharing our best practices
- Next steps
Want to introduce yourself ahead of this meeting? Introduce yourself on Virtual Communities.
The call-in details are below. Feel free to forward this invite to a friend. We look forward to seeing you!
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