This research article explores associations between exposure to social determinants of health and breastfeeding and identify breastfeeding barriers. Housing insecurity and household conditions (chaos and crowding) may affect breastfeeding by increasing maternal stress and discomfort and...
Housing insecurity and bf-13046-.pdf
Ths article provides an overview of the evidence and mechanisms by which social determinants of health, including education, employment, food, neighborhood, and housing contribute to ongoing social disparities in breastfeeding in the United States, including current research gaps. They also...
SDOH in Bf US-13070-.pdf
A series of three webinars was jointly created by the Minnesota Breastfeeding Coalition and the Minnesota Community Health Worker Alliance. These webinars allow CHWs to gain knowledge and identify resources so they can act as Infant Feeding Advisors for the families they serve. #Webinar ...
The goal of this course is to provide breadth and depth of clinical knowledge for providers who desire comprehensive breastfeeding education. Each session will focus on evaluation and management strategies in a case-based format, so that participants leave with the knowledge and skills to manage...
July 2022: Recording of the Office Hours led by Meghan J. and Renee Gross, from Mahmee, Recommendation 3 consultant and Blueprint grantees to problem solve concerns related to care coordination, referrals and handoff flows, and other strategies under Recommendation #3, or consider ideas for...
NACCHO Office Hours-13074-.pdf
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