COVID-19 Health Equity Grant (OT2103) Recipients

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  • 1.  Equity - Social Media Tool Kits and beyond

    Posted 08-17-2023 12:05 PM

    Hello fellow OT2103 Recipients!

    I wanted to prompt and ask if any of you have begun to develop social media around equity topics. As the health educator I have been tasked with increasing our educational presence on social media (and other avenues) addressing topics surrounding health and racial equity with a call to action. From needs assessments, we've recognized that we have to start with the basics, educating on the WHAT with terms and concepts before explaining the HOW... (i.e., What SDOH are). I am currently going about that by highlighting awareness months and historical moments that can be contributed to health disparities (i.e. Richard v. Loving case on interracial marriage, Minority Mental Awareness Month, Native American Day, Labor Day) 

    Question: Labor Day is coming up.... is anyone developing or have a social media toolkit around this with the equity lens? I would like to use/reference a labor acknowledgment. I have an example Labor Acknowledgement from Long Beach but considering the counties political landscape I want to ensure the post is informing and educating. 

    Thoughts, suggestions? Any other tool kits you can recommend?


    Vanessa Cummings MPH, MCHES®
    Health Educator
    Sacramento Department of Health Services
    Sacramento CA

  • 2.  RE: Equity - Social Media Tool Kits and beyond

    Posted 08-24-2023 11:59 AM
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    Hi Vanessa, 

    I responded to your inquiry privately, but I will post here in the thread for other to view and utilize.



    Kayla Hall MPH
    Program Analyst, Health Equity
    National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)
    Silver Spring MD


  • 3.  RE: Equity - Social Media Tool Kits and beyond

    Posted 08-24-2023 01:46 PM

    Hi Vanessa, 

    Creating a Labor Day social media toolkit with an equity lens is a great approach to ensure that your content is informative, respectful, and inclusive. Unfortunately, I am not aware of specific toolkits that have already been developed to raise awareness about Labor Day that infuses health equity. Here are my thoughts on how to move forward... 

    You can reference the origins of Labor Day and make the connection to present-day workforce and why it's important from an equity perspective. One good message would suffice. You can create different types of media like videos highlighting your staff or static graphics to bring attention. The Long Beach example is a statement that you could replicate and a great way to internally and/or externally raise awareness- bonus if it is signed/championed from leadership. 

    Jovonni Spinner
    Beacon Public Health
    Riverdale MD

  • 4.  RE: Equity - Social Media Tool Kits and beyond

    Posted 08-24-2023 10:48 PM

    Thank you for your response and suggestions. 

    Vanessa Cummings MPH, MCHES®
    Health Educator
    Sacramento Department of Health Services
    Sacramento CA